I truly believe that our animals are angels on earth and have come here to teach us something.  More often than not our animals picked us, not by accident.  It is up to each of us to learn from their wonderful, selfless example.

What I learned from my teacher, Diva...

Diva, a Flat-Coated Retriever, was my first dog and the reason I got involved in my healing work.  She taught me to follow my dream.  She and I were a therapy team and would go to the local library and have children read to her.  The kids got so excited that they turned the book around for her to see the pictures and read upside down!  Very talented kids.  

Our therapy organization, PAWS for People, held yearly conferences where they invited experts from all areas.   Two practitioners from Healing Touch for Animals® gave a presentation back in 2009.  The room had about 10 people and 5 therapy dogs that were cranky and ready to go home at the end of the day.  These practitioners started talking and the dogs relaxed and went to sleep!  I knew right then this was for me.  I took all 4 levels of training, an advanced proficiency class and became the coordinator for healing classes in my area. 

My sweet Diva, in the meantime, was my teacher and confidant.  She gave me the confidence to know that I could make difference in how she felt.  First, though some surgeries she needed a few summers ago and then through her cancer and transitioning.  I truly believe she picked me and guided me into this work so that I could help ease the burden for others going through changes in their pet’s lives.   It is her paw that touched me and was the inspiration for my healing practice, Touched By A Paw®.  This is Diva keeping the tennis balls away from her Golden Retriever sister!

For 1-on-1 support to help you explore energetic options for your pet to help them be the best they can be contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 484-459-8049  for your Complimentary Talk to the Paw Session.